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 The Fatherland Foundation

Tel: 071 753 7683 Pos:


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  1. The Fatherland Foundation believes in God The Father and the triune God, the God of the Voortrekkers and the Voortrekkerk, the God of the Boere-Afrikanervolk, the God of the Vow, the Christian Bible, the Protestant Confessions, and ' a Christian way of life.

  2. The Vaderland Stigting is an organization established with the main aim of promoting Boer - Afrikaner interests, as regards the economic, cultural and social rights, claims and needs of the Boer - Afrikaner.  The organization will campaign through all legal and constitutional processes in South Africa for the advancement of the Boer-Afrikaner's interests.  The Vaderland-Stigting is a people's organization which claims the right of association of fellow human beings with each other, and which is aimed at the future of the Boere-Afrikaner.

  3. The Vaderland Foundation is not a secret organization, a trade union, a civil rights organization or a cultural organization.  The Vaderland foundation is also not only aimed at promoting the Boere-Afrikaner's cultural interests.  The objectives of the Vaderland-Stigting are much wider than just the cultural claims and rights of the Boere-Afrikaner as a people.  It is a people's organization that aims to promote the rights and interests of the Boer-Afrikaner people.

  4. The Vaderland-Stigting is faithful to the freedom ideal of the farmers in the Boer Republics, namely the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republike and the Republic of the Orange Free State, and wants to realize those ideals within South Africa for the Boer-Afrikanervolk. .

  5. The Vaderland foundation intends to carry out all acts and projects of the foundation within the framework of the Constitution and Laws of the Republic of South Africa. 

  6. The Vaderland-Stigting will also act as an advisory body for Boere-Afrikaner youth organisations, and for this purpose an Advisory Board of the Vaderland-Stigting will be set up.

  7. Any Boer-Afrikaner who identifies himself with the above ideals can become a member of the Vaderland Stigting and support the activities of the Vaderland Stigting.

  8. The founding members and managing committee of the Vaderland Foundation are Mr Francois van der Merwe, Mr Tewie Wessels and...................

  9. The Vaderland Foundation will also strive to provide guidance, training and assistance to the youth and the leaders of tomorrow.

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